Databases: Types and Differences

Databases have a critical role in the performance of almost any application. it’s the “heart” of your application. Choosing the right type of database is a crucial investment in the performance, scalability, and reliability of your future project.
Today there are many types of databases. And any of them is optimal suited for certain tactics and purposes. In article, we will look at the main types of databases, their features, advantages and disadvantages to help you make an informed and correct choice.

Relational Databases (SQL)

Relational databases are the most commonly used type of database. Currently, over 75% of active projects use this type of database. Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to manage and interact with the data. The structure is organized in the form of tables and schemas.

Popularity: These databases are used in almost all non-exotic projects that do not require a special approach to data storage structure.
Versatility: They allow the creation of complex queries with multiple conditions for optimal data retrieval.
Structured: Data is stored in clearly defined tables, simplifying their organization and management.
Data Relationships: Support for foreign keys and relational relationships allows for efficient management of complex data relationships.
ACID Properties: Ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability of transactions, guaranteeing the reliability of operations.
Scalability: Relational databases may face challenges with horizontal scalability.
Schema Complexity: Complex and changing data may require frequent modification of the database schema.
Performance: Performance may decrease with very large data volumes.

Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite.

We talked about each of these databases in detail in SQL RDBMS article.

Document-Oriented Databases (NoSQL)

Document-oriented databases store data in the form of documents, often in JSON or BSON format. These databases belong to the NoSQL family and do not require a predefined schema.

Schema Flexibility: No need for a rigidly defined schema, making it easy to change the data structure.
Horizontal Scalability: Easier scalability through data distribution across multiple servers.
Performance: High performance when working with unstructured and semi-structured data.
Lack of ACID Properties: Many document-oriented databases do not provide full ACID transaction properties.
Challenges with Relational Data: Implementing complex data relationships can be more difficult.
Inability to Execute Complex Queries: Limited support for complex queries and data aggregation.

Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB, Amazon DocumentDB.

Column-Oriented Databases (NoSQL)

Column-oriented databases are quite specialized in their application. Such databases store data by columns rather than by rows, making them efficient for analytical queries.

Analytics Performance: High performance in processing large volumes of data and executing complex analytical queries.
Efficient Data Compression: Column-level data compression significantly reduces the volume of stored data.
Scalability: Scalable horizontally, supporting distributed architectures.
Not Suitable for Transactional Systems: Less efficient for frequent read-write operations on individual records.
Complexity in Usage: Requires specific knowledge for optimal configuration and operation.
Lack of Flexibility: Less flexible in terms of changing the data structure compared to document-oriented databases.

Examples: Apache Cassandra, HBase, Google Bigtable.

Graph Databases (NoSQL)

Graph databases use nodes and edges to represent and store data, making them ideal for working with highly interconnected data.

Efficient Handling of Interconnected Data: Excellent for applications requiring complex relationships, such as social networks.
Flexibility: Easily adaptable to changes in data structure.
Performance: High performance in executing queries related to graph navigation.
Complexity: Requires a special approach to data modeling and management.
Limited Scalability: Horizontal scalability can be challenging.
Lower Adoption: Less common compared to relational and document-oriented databases, which may limit support and resources.

Examples: Neo4j, ArangoDB, Amazon Neptune.

Key-Value Databases (NoSQL)

Key-value databases store data as “key-value” pairs. This simple approach ensures very fast data operations. They are widely used and do not require specialized resources. They are often used as a supplementary proxy for relational databases or as a complementary element for fast and non-critical operations.

Simplicity: Ease of use and setup.
High Performance: Excellent performance for read and write operations.
Scalability: Scalable horizontally.
Limited Capabilities: Not suitable for complex queries and relational data.
Lack of Structure: Lack of support for complex data structures.
Lack of Standard Features: Features such as indexing and transactions may be missing.

Examples: Redis, Memcached, Amazon DynamoDB.

Choosing the right type of database at the beginning of development is the most important “brick” in the foundation of your application. The correctness of this choice will determine not only the speed and reliability of your entire application but also its future development and the amount of resources required for any changes in the data structure in perspective. How to make the right decision and not make a mistake in such an important matter? Consult with our experienced managers who can professionally consider all your project requirements and provide professional recommendations, select the optimal option for you. Our high level of qualification allows us to anticipate all the nuances and features of various development directions and to set up the work process so that in the future, you can get the maximum efficiency from the optimal architecture of the application.

We recommend reading an excellent and useful article “Terms of reference. Why is it so important.”

Categories: Tools for the development of your project

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